Ei/Ψ Seminar

The Ei/Ψ seminar at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven is currently organized by Michele Campobasso and Mairon Mahzoun. The seminar is aimed at the crypto and security groups at TU/e. If you are interested in presenting your research, please let us know by emailing m.campobasso (at) tue.nl and/or m.mahzoun (at) tue.nl. We especially encourage presentations of work in progress or open problems to stimulate future joint work. The talks should be 30 minutes with 15 minutes for questions (for open-problem presentations you're welcome to re-allocate your 45 minutes).
Credits: This page was previously maintained by Lorenz Panny and Daan Leermakers, who have been organising the seminars until February 2021. The style is inspired from Chloe Martindale's page, who has been co-organising the seminar until autumn 2019.


Past seminars